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    İstanbul Archaeological Museums

    Where Archeology Comes Alive 

    The Arkeoloji Müzesi (İstanbul Archaeological Museums) has twenty galleries filled with artefacts from all over Türkiye and the East, celebrating 5000 years of history with exhibits from Eastern Roman, the Ottoman Empire and the many civilisations of Anatolia and ancient Egypt. The main building houses the finds of 19th-century archaeologist Osman Hamdi Bey, in particular the famous 4th-century Alexander Sarcophagus discovered in the royal necropolis of Sidon in Lebanon. The Museum of the Ancient Near East houses artefacts from Egypt and Mesopotamia, including a magnificent bull frieze from the Ishtar Gate in Babylon. 

    The Museums are separated by buildings and floors comprising the Archaeological Museum (Arkeoloji Müzesi), the Ancient Orient Museum (Eski Şark Eserleri Müzesi), and Tiled Kiosk Museum (Çinili Köşk Müzesi). 

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